
October 15, 2016

Leaving the rain behind?

forecast for Seattle: rain, possibly record-making winds ahead. A good time to fly over the ocean,  don't you think?

To the city of ornate geometry.

And rain. 

Such as what provides the  mosaic-y photo of the Eiffel Tower in a  Seattle-like heavy drizzle on this first day of my trip to Paris and Provence with a small group of fellow travelers, followed by a week alone in the City of Light. 


First the reunion with Jeannie. Then up to our room. We leaned out the window of our hotel to spot Tour Eiffel apparently within our reach! 

We ate a great meal atop the Tower served by a witty Turk.

Every day, every one of us experiences the result of the turmoil our world is in these days.

We finished the day off with the view from the iconic and beautifully geometric still-takes-my-breath-away Eiffel Tower.

And having been awake for 30 some hours in the time zone game of eastward travel, we took one last look from our hotel room and slept like babes.


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